Fourth generation Flow Meter
Although the previous three generation rotor-based flow meters function well in their respective deployment areas, there are a number of limitations.
Due to these restrictions, we are developing a fourth generation flow meter. In order to improve the limitations, we have developed a completely new construction based on a ball.
Each time we face the challenge of improving our products by designing new constructions that offer more benefits. Another important goal we set ourselves is that the new developments must be patentable. Our strength is that we build the prototypes ourselves, as they would be made using mould technology.
Just as every car manufacturer introduces new innovations to the market every year, we are also constantly working on new developments, not just regarding flow meters but in a number of areas. We come up with solutions and our strength is the innovative design of new applications. New developments are essential to humanity and our future and will never stop.
Flowmeters based on a rotor are highly sensitive to dirt particles. The slightest contamination and air bubbles can cause the relatively light rotor to get stuck. As a result, flow meters based on a rotor can only be used for very clean liquids. This is a huge limitation for the various application areas for liquids where flow meters are desirable.
Good filter systems are expensive and need to be replaced regularly. Another drawback is that filter systems increase the resistance in a conduit. As the dirt in a filter accumulates, the resistance in the pipe also increases. Therefore, filters must be regularly replaced or cleaned, which is costly. The system must be opened to replace the filter, which is not conducive to certain processes. As a consequence, the production process will temporarily come to a standstill.
Another major disadvantage of flow meters with a rotor is that the rotor must be manually assembled. The thin shaft of the rotor must be mounted very carefully in the small holes of the bearings, which can only be done manually. When it comes to producing large numbers, this is time-consuming and expensive work. Sterile assembly of the rotor and the rest of the components, e.g. for the pharmaceutical industry, is not possible in automated production.
Companies that do not develop further come to a standstill and will not survive in this new competitive society. Our strongest side, through years of experience, is that we are able to improve and adapt flow meters for specific purposes.