Special version for precise dosing SF4/4
This Flow Meter is designed for applications where each gram counts: systems where repeatability is most important.
For example the Precise Dosing Flow Meter can be used for chemical and pharmaceutical industries where expensive fluids must be dosed repeatedly with high accuracy. The FS4/4 is not sensitive for contaminated fluids. Restriction is that the size of the contamination particles may not exceed the distance between the blades. The prototype shows promising results so far. The heart of this flow meter uses a different concept of measuring when compared to the SF4/1. Due to this difference each flow meter has it’s own specific properties.
For the most accurate dosing with SF4/4 it is necessary to have the same number of pulses, temperature and flow velocity. This system is in development.
The Precise Dosing Flow Meters in this group have the same specifications. We offer to use four different possibilities.
The SF4/4 is a complete Flow Meter:
- Hose-barb connection
- SF4/5 Infrared housing 360° click system