Cancer Research

Breakthrough stagnating Cancer Research in the late 70s
Inventor PJ Peters                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dutch text

A dramatic turn of events, caused by a professor, regarding an ingenious breakthrough in Cancer Research
This invention was incredibly important to humanity in the 1970s as it was the most important breakthrough to advance cancer research.

An entirely different invention of my father PJ Peters is the Micro Ultra Centrifuge. A breakthrough in cancer research at the late 70s. This groundbreaking invention had dramatic consequences for my father due to the actions of a pathologist professor at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen.

This professor no longer wanted to fulfill the financial agreements made with my father
The agreement was that if my father developed a working invention for separating red and white blood cells. So that analytical research is possible, he would receive certain financial compensation. No cure, no pay.

In the 1970s, cancer research focused on finding a solution to the problems surrounding the separation of red and white blood cells At the time, the available procedures could not keep the cells separated long enough for research because automatic analyses were too time-consuming.

In a relatively short time, my father P.J. Peters developed in the late 1970s the: Micro Ultra Centrifuge, Micro Ultra Centrifuge prototypes
Until then, no one in the world had come up with a solution. The liquid is sucked in through an ingenious construction, after which a centrifugal force 6000 rpm pulls apart the red and white blood cells. During the demonstration, all the professors present thought it impossible. My father got reactions like: you are destroying all the cells.

This invention enabled research on individual blood cells for the first time in history
After testing, it turned out not one cell was damaged by the Micro Ultra Centrifuge. As a result, research on individual blood cells was possible for the first time in history. This was a major breakthrough in cancer research at the time.

See page 2 PDF of the article: A New Disaggregation Device 1984. At the time, this was an amazingly meaningful solution/innovation.

Such an important breakthrough in cancer research could be Nobel worthy
But all this beauty was destroyed by an anatomic pathologist.

No one less than a professor who spends most of his life on cancer research destroyed all chances for further development in the future
My father would have loved using all his knowledge to develop this invention further in the interest of mankind. Us inventors are most in our element when we can innovate for the benefit of humanity. By not fulfilling his part of the agreement, this professor has done unthinkable damage. What makes people behave like this every time one of our inventions is involved?

We are talking about cancer, which kills many people every year
My father had the talent to actually make a difference, and was betrayed. This professor, who had never reached a major breakthrough in cancer research himself, hijacked my father’s invention. My father has never been credited as the inventor of this genius innovation. All the names of the professors who have nothing to do with this invention are at the top of the list. See page 1 PDF of the article: A New Disaggregation Device 1984.

It is inconceivable that professors, who dedicate their lives to cancer research, to be able to steal worldly inventions from people without titles
Precisely because they do not wish the person who is able to devise solutions the success they themselves want so much to have. We are talking about professors holding numerous titles, people that everyone bows to and respects. However, those Rabdoudumc professors are also obstructing further development for the benefit of cancer research by destroying knowledge and science. This is a great scandal.

What does this professor think that the truth will never come out?
How is it possible that a well-known professor is so horribly hypocritical? All these years, this professor has been able to benefit from the success of this invention. Never was my father P J Peters mentioned by this professor as the inventor.

To my great shock, there has even been an Award for scientific research in the name of this professor for about 9 years
A prize to stimulate scientific research. In the name of this professor. How is this possible? So it is an honor for researchers/inventors in the medical world to receive this award in the name of this professor! Apparently anything is possible in this world.

A professor who has cheated us inventors so terribly with a worldly breakthrough in cancer research. A professor who destroys all possibilities for further development. For my father, this breakthrough in cancer research was just the beginning to continue to develop for many years to come. Knowledge and science has been destroyed by this professor, who himself has benefited from this success all these years.

Because he was aware of the great importance of the Micro Ultra Centrifuge for humanity, my father PJ Peters decided to donate his innovation to the Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding (KWF)
Despite the fact that he also needed money to support our family. It is not uncommon for an inventor to work on an innovation for months on a no cure no pay basis, which affects their family’s livelihood.

My father did not hand over the Micro Ultra Centrifuge to the KWF himself. The aforementioned professor was supposed to give it to them on behalf of my father
The KWF never thanked my father and we never heard anything about what happened to this invention. Who has been receiving the royalties for this groundbreaking invention for all these years? The professor who already makes a fortune?

The reason this case is and remains particularly painful to me is because I was the
one that brought my father into contact with this professor. I was told about the problem the medical world was struggling with and spoke about the fact that my father had already come up with many inventions, also in the medical field. See: Inventions & Developments. That is how the ball started rolling. My father would have loved to continue innovating in the field of cancer research.

My father was never mentioned as the inventor in publications, but all the professors who initially slammed the innovation were
Are these now the professors in the world that we ordinary people must respect?

This invention was the basis for further development in this field
If no one comes up with a solution, you will never get closer to solving the problem. Inventors are invaluable in getting stagnating development moving again. Usually a basic working solution functions as a breeding ground of knowledge for other inventors to develop further. Once the solution is known, there are new possibilities to develop further. This solution was then essential to move forward in the stagnant cancer research.

Coming up with invention was only possible by completely deviating from the path, as we always do. Nobody knows who my father is who came up with this solution/innovation. Everyone in the medical world knows the name of this professor.

We had so many ideas for further developing this innovation, but the professor put a stop to that
After all these years it is still incomprehensible to me intellectually what caused this professor. Imagine if all the credit for this innovation would have rightly gone to my father, a man without prestige or status, and that the professors with all their titles would stay in the background or would not be mentioned. It just will not happen, even if an invention can make a difference for international advancement of cancer research what so many people die from.